Saturday, April 2, 2011


I can't really pinpoint the exact time I started doing fabric collage.  I remember what stirred my interest in making pictures  with fabric.  My mother was an avid crafter and a particular magazine she subscribed to had a picture of,  what I remember was, a wall-hanging.  It was the age of wall-hangings of all kinds.  The picture portrayed , in fabric,  a cat in front of a window through which was shining a harvest moon.  The moon cast the cat's shadow on the floor.  The cat was appliqued in a lighter print, the shadow in a darker print.  I was intriqued by this idea of  "painting" with fabric and never forgot it.  My sewing career surrounded me with all colors and types of fabric; fueling my imagination for future projects. I think my first project was a set of very simple and small pictures to coordinate with my living room decor.  Since then, I have progressed to more elaborate pieces  My addiction ,  as well as my fabric hoard , has grown over the years and it resulted in taking the first step of making my hobby more public.  I entered two of my pieces in our local Tulip Time poster competition;  to choose the image for the 2011 Tulip Time poster.  One of my pieces was chosen to be among the top 20 finalists.  I have had a few pieces commissioned by friends and have given them as gifts, but ,  this formal acceptance of my efforts was very gratifying.  I am not sure where this will take me, but, I will try to keep any interested readers abreast of current work and happenings .   ~LW


"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."
Thomas Merton

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